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Photographer Details

Alessio Viora
Alessio Viora Italy
Born in 1965 on Lake Orta in Italy I have always been attracted by water and I learned to swin and dive long before dive permit became obligatory. Since 1998 with Nikonos I started uw photography and since 2000 I have won more than 100 prizes around the globe. My favourite dives are in freshwater rivers and lakes but I have been diving a lot in sea water too in all seas and oceans and still like it a lot !
Honorable Mention
Our World Underwater 2006 Winning Photography

Our World Underwater 2006

Environment and Conservation
2nd Place (Silver)
Our World Underwater 2007 Winning Photography

Our World Underwater 2007

Macro Traditional
3rd Place (Bronze)
Our World Underwater 2006 Winning Photography

Our World Underwater 2006

Macro Traditional
3rd Place (Bronze)
Our World Underwater 2006 Winning Photography

Our World Underwater 2006

Wide Angle Unrestricted
3rd Place (Bronze)
Our World Underwater 2009 Winning Photography

Our World Underwater 2009

Wide Angle Traditional