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Photographer Details

Christian Skauge
Christian Skauge Norway
I am a 37 year old underwater photographer based in Oslo, Norway. I take particular interest in photographing macro life, although wide angle has been getting more of my attention lately. I started taking pictures with a compact camera in 2003, and moved on to a dSLR in 2005. I now use a Nikon D200 in a Nexus housing, with two Inon Z-240 strobes and ULCS arms. There are many fabulous divespots around the world, but believe it or not I'm especially fond of the richness and color of our home waters on the Norwegian west coast. Here you'll find some of the world's best cold water diving, and the seasonal changes are just amazing. You won't find as many colorful fish or critters as on coral reefs, and have to work harder for every image. The reward is that much greater when you finally get a shot you have been wanting for a long time. If you want to see more of my images from Norway and around the world, please visit
1st Place (Gold)
Our World Underwater 2009 Winning Photography

Our World Underwater 2009

Macro Traditional
Honorable Mention
Our World Underwater 2012 Winning Photography

Our World Underwater 2012

Macro Unrestricted